Storytelling is the root of community and authentic connection. A great story cultivates empathy through the emotion and experience it communicates.


“You want the best for your loved ones… for your family, your friends…”

Over 115 years ago, in 1908, a group of visionary, philanthropic community members founded VNA Health—the first non-hospital healthcare provider in Santa Barbara County—for the “good of the community.” VNA Health began with the belief that all people deserve quality healthcare; and through the years, VNA Health became a medical safety net, caring for those who could not go to the hospital or doctor’s office.


Hospice Care at Home Eases Not Just Final Days, But Final Months

It was the summer of 2015, and Ray West was shaved, dressed, and sitting up on the couch in the cozy front room of the Samarkand apartment he shared with his wife Jean. His eyes beamed as he spoke about their 65th wedding anniversary, and a “dream” trip to photograph Yosemite, arranged by the Dream Foundation.


The Gift of Serenity Keeps On Giving

Six years ago, Serenity House opened its doors on a cliff overlooking Santa Barbara to patients and families in need of a comfortable home at end of life. Since then, Serenity House has helped hundreds of individuals, regardless of age, background or socio-economic status, find peace and dignity during a time of life that is frightening and unknown. One such patient was Benjamin Aguirre, whose devoted mother, Juanita Ortiz, reflects often on their wonderful experience during a tragic health crisis.


Sky has no limit.

As snowflakes fell from the top of Mammoth Mountain on a frosty December morning, 5-year-old Sky positioned his skis and launched himself forward down the slope. Like his parents, Sky is an adventurer who enthusiastically learned to ski at an early age. After skiing down the hill, an adult snowboarder unexpectedly crashed into Sky, leaving him unable to get up.


I had a Goal…walking my daughter Hayley down the aisle.

A few months ago, Jeff and Susan Bridges celebrated the wedding of their daughter Hayley. There was a time when Jeff was not sure he could walk Hayley down the aisle or enjoy that shared moment of their father-daughter dance. Jeff was undergoing treatment for lymphoma cancer, and before he could be vaccinated, he contracted COVID-19 in January. For months, Jeff could not walk without assistance, but he kept focused on the summer wedding milestone throughout his recovery. The Bridges’ story, like thousands of others this year, illustrates how VNA Health is there for families in our community, helping every person to live with health and dignity. Jeff and Susan would like to share with you how VNA Health helped Jeff reach his goal so that his family could celebrate as they had dreamed.


Volunteers Extraordinaire

At 14, he decided he would better his position in life. Despite humble beginnings, Dennis Morelos built a fulfilling and financially successful life through hard work, thriftiness, and a little luck. In memory of his wife Soledad and to honor their wishes, his estate plan provides for VNA Health’s Serenity House. Dennis has come full circle: having built a better life for himself, he is now able to help others better their lives.


Belief in a Better Life

At 14, he decided he would better his position in life. Despite humble beginnings, Dennis Morelos built a fulfilling and financially successful life through hard work, thriftiness, and a little luck. In memory of his wife Soledad and to honor their wishes, his estate plan provides for VNA Health’s Serenity House. Dennis has come full circle: having built a better life for himself, he is now able to help others better their lives.

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