A Caregiver’s Compassionate heart never stops beating…

A VNA Health Wonder Woman. Socorro Rosales’ load might be larger than others, but she represents the juggling act that all mothers must master so they can be there for those who need them most. Socorro weaves care, compassion, and selflessness into all of her responsibilities and activities of each day.

Socorro is a mother of four, ranging from a Kindergartener to a Senior in high school. She lives in Ventura, and commutes with her family to Santa Barbara every day, where she and her husband work, and her kids attend private schools. Her elderly parents also live in Santa Barbara, and while they assist with her kids, Socorro is often their caregiver in a variety of ways. At all times, Socorro is an active mother, daughter, and wife.

In addition to her family responsibilities, Socorro works two demanding jobs to help put her children through school. She is a Clinical Nurse Manager at VNA Health by day, and an Oncology Nurse at Cottage Hospital by night. Whether from a lack of sleep, or a mountain of personal responsibilities and distractions, Socorro “leaves it all at the door” when she arrives to work so that her patients receive her full attention, compassion, and care.

During the Thomas Fire and January Mudslides, Socorro was working around the clock to triage her patients who live in Montecito and Carpinteria.

Sleep deprivation, and her family’s displacement, did not keep Socorro from ensuring that all of her VNA Health patients were evacuated safely and still receiving their necessary care, wherever they were calling home. For many non-English speakers, Socorro was their lifeline to communicate evacuation notices. At all times, Socorro was and still is a nurse, caregiver, and hero. Socorro is Wonder Woman.

To celebrate this Mother’s Day, please consider making a gift to support the work of all of the Wonder Women who fulfill VNA Health’s mission every day. Your generosity allows our Wonder Women, like Socorro, to share their superpowers of compassionate and trusted care with all in our community, even through disaster.

All honored names will be placed in our online Appreciation Garden at vna.health/appreciationgarden.

If you have any questions, please contact our VNA Health Foundation at 805-690-6290 or by email at foundation@vna.health.