Man and woman dressed for the Samaritan Society

Samaritan Society

Your legacy will support our vision: every person lives with health and dignity.

The Samaritan Society is a group of considerate people who have committed to the legacy of “health and dignity for all” through the provision for VNA Health in their will or estate plan. They’ve made a promise today for care tomorrow.

We are honored to recognize and thank the following Samaritan Society members for their commitment.

Margo & Jeff Barbakow
Carla Berkowitz
Robert Bundy
Charles Clark
Janice & Bob Contons
Iris Cook
Edith (Lou) Dartanner
Margaret Dawes
Lynda Fairly
Roberta & Stan Fishman
Janice Fitzgibbons
Joy & Stephen Frank
Thomas Goodson
Dr. & Mrs. Guddal
Jane & Norm Habermann
Darlene & Walter Hansen
Raye Haskell
Shauna & Bob Hirsch
Rose Jaffe
Sharon & Chris Jones
Keith (Joe) Jowell
Nancy & Bill Kimsey
Frank LaSalle
Chris & Mark Levine
Marjorie McKean
Marilynn Meyr
Keith Moore
Dennis Morelos
Mary Orr
Lucille Owens
Marie & Mickey Plaut
Sharon & Nicholas Priester
Sandra Resnik
Elna Scheinfeld
Kate Schepanovich
Linda Seals
Kieran Shah
Patricia Snyder
David Sparer
Juliette Sponsel
Landon Stableford
Violet Stegall
Cynthia & Ted Thoreson
Nancy Vaughan
Daniel Venzor
Raissa Veronique

Mary Weston

Sue Williamson

We invite you to join the Samaritan Society and uphold extraordinary care in our community for generations to come. Membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations. It’s easy to join – click here for details.

Membership Experience

  • Peace that your legacy will bring loving care to someone in need.
  • Enjoyment at VNA Health’s special events.
  • Recognition in VNA Health’s communications.
  • Joy that you may inspire generosity in others.

If you have already made a legacy gift for VNA Health in your will or trust and you are not a Samaritan Society member, we would like to connect with you to ensure we uphold your intentions and recognize you properly. We would also like to honor you as a Samaritan Society member, if you would like. Know you can trust us to respect your wishes for participation, recognition, or anonymity. Any details of your planned gift are held in strictest confidence.

Please contact the VNA Health Foundation at 805-690-6290 or at

Planned Giving Committee

Patrick Ariniello
Jay Beckerman
Michael Bergquist, JD, CFP
Diane Doiron, CLU
Thomas Goodson, CLU, ChFC
Carolyn Howe, EA
Steve Jung
Leticia Martinez
Elna Scheinfeld
Suzi Schomer
Dannell Stuart
Alice Sykes
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Norm and Rose Jaffe have many interests and support a wide variety of nonprofits, from education to opera to healthcare. As a couple with no children, they have put much thought and planning into their estate plans, carefully considering which charities they wish to benefit after they are gone. “When we first learned about VNA Health (formerly Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care), we were most impressed with how it assists in a dignified manner when one is sick or at the end of life.” In 2005, they revised their estate plans to include a provision for 20% of their estate to go to VNA Health. They actively participated as members of the honorary Samaritan Society and continued to learn more about the organization. Recently, they decided to increase their VNA Health bequest to 50%! According to the Jaffes, “VNA Health is a caring service that has touched our hearts-and opened our purse strings — to help sustain this marvelous organization in perpetuity.

– Rose Jaffe

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Board Emeritus member Elna Scheinfeld understood the importance of planned gifts to the VNA Health (formerly Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care), as she actually founded its planned giving program in the early 1990s. But it wasn’t until years later that she discovered the best way to make her own planned gift, when attorney Steve Jung made a presentation to the board on the tax benefits of using an IRA. “I learned that if I left my IRA to my children or grandchildren, they would have to pay federal and state estate taxes over 50% and also income tax, meaning that they would receive only a very small percentage of the assets. Instead, I have now designated VNA Health as the charitable beneficiary, so that 100% of the assets will go to doing good in the community. Changing the designation was easy, and I am glad to be helping ensure VNA Health’s home health and hospice care services for future generations.

– Elna Scheinfeld

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