Elderly patient with visiting dog

Pet Therapy

Pets benefit the physical, mental, and emotional health of patients.

The magic touch of a furry paw.

Advanced Veterinary Specialists

History and science has long documented the health benefits of pet therapy including lowered blood pressure, improved heart rate, alleviated pain, and increased comfort. In addition, pets benefit the mental and emotional health of patients by lifting spirits, easing depression, and encouraging communication and socialization. Sometimes, the simple presence of a pet can provide a connection that human interaction alone could not.

Advanced Veterinary Specialists (AVS) sponsors the VNA Health Pet Therapy program, which uses trained hospice volunteers and their own certified pet therapy animals to provide patients the comfort, attention, and presence only an animal can give.

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Advanced Veterinary Specialists says

AVS felt the need to support VNHC because pets enrich our lives, warm our hearts, and comfort our souls. We wanted to bring these benefits to those in need.

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