Nurse giving a patient a foot massage

Integrative Therapies

Integrating mind, body, and spirit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Integrative Therapies are gentle, comforting treatments that aid in relaxation and ease symptoms. They assist in integrating mind, body and spirit.
Aromatherapy, gentle reflexology, guided imagery, mindfulness practice, music therapy and reiki.
Yes, our staff is trained to provide these services.
No, there is no charge for Integrative Therapies.
Any patient receiving hospice services.
Therapies are provided in the comfort of our patients’ homes and at Serenity House.
We offer one visit a week for Integrative Therapies.

Integrative Therapies Offered

Natural, fragrant plant oils may be gently inhaled or placed in a lotion which is soothingly applied to the skin. Aromatherapy is known to improve emotional and physical wellbeing.

Points on the hands and feet are gently stimulated to increase energy flow which improves circulation and promotes relaxation and comfort.

Guided Imagery is based on the concept of body/mind connection. With the help of the practitioner, patients learn to use their imagination to move toward a more relaxed and harmonious state.

The patient is guided through a series of simple exercises to increase awareness and consciousness of the present moment. This focused attention can decrease stress which improves general comfort and wellbeing.
Through a variety of music experiences, patients and their families may feel more relaxed, calm and even joyful.
The provider’s hands are lightly placed on or slightly over the body to gently balance the body’s energy. This can provide deep relaxation, reduce anxiety and increase a sense of well-being.
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When I was discharged from the hospital, I was surprised at how quickly I was contacted by [VNA Health]. My contact, Shannon Dutter (Physical Therapist), scheduled an appointment for me the next day. She was incredibly helpful, kind, considerate, a real team player with a great deal of compassion. I found her to be very helpful in going the extra mile to coordinate with other providers. Your Loan Closet was a great help as well, and saved me untold expenses in terms of having to rent or buy equipment. I am very grateful for the help I received from [VNA Health]!

– Jim King

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