Share their name. Honor their memory. Gather together in community.
Tell stories. Listen to music. Light a candle.
These are the ancient ways we have always found comfort and meaning in grief.
ANGELS AMONG US is an annual community event where we can gather in remembrance and celebration of the lives of those who are no longer with us, but who live on in our hearts and memories. Remember your loved ones with music, readings, reflections, a candle lighting ceremony, personalized ornaments, and refreshments. All family and friends are welcome. We also invite you to join our virtual Candlelight Tribute, where the names of your loved one(s) will be displayed at the event and online to shine through the holidays. To participate, send us the name(s) of your remembered loved one(s) online to www.vna.health/aau2024. Please submit your names by December 2nd.
ÁNGELES ENTRE NOSOTROS es un evento comunitario anual donde podemos reunirnos para recordar y celebrar las vidas de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros, pero que viven en nuestros corazones y recuerdos. Recuerda a tus seres queridos con música, lecturas, reflexiones, ceremonia de encendido de velas, adornos para personalizar y refrigerios. Todos los familiares y amigos son bienvenidos. También les invitamos a unirse a nuestro virtual Tributo a la Luz de las Velas. Este será un lugar especial donde los nombres de sus seres queridos que se mostrarán en el evento brillarán en línea en la página web durante las fiestas. Por favor, para proporcionar el (los) nombre (s) de sus seres queridos en línea en la página web www.vna.health/aau2024 antes del 2 de diciembre.
Click HERE to see photos of the Santa Barbara Angels Among Us event.
Watch the 2023 Candlelight Virtual Tribute
Bereavement During the Holiday Season
The need for bereavement care and support is greatest throughout the holiday season, as memories and traditions can bring up grief and loss. As we are nearing three years of living through the COVID pandemic, the power of gathering together, even remotely, is profound for our community.
We share the names of those who have died and who live in our memory. We light candles in their honor. We acknowledge the humanness of our unique relationships — the possible hurts as well as the joys — and the range of emotions (sorrow, gratitude, anger, regret, anxiety, disbelief and many others) that may be present.
We weep — and we smile — knowing our beloved friends and family who have died are with us still, in our hearts. We refresh our souls with heartfelt stories and music. Most of all, we know we are not alone, and we feel the strength and solidarity of our beloved community.
The VNA Health Bereavement team has been acutely aware of the collective grief, pain and stress the pandemic has caused. We have felt the worry, fear and uncertainty in ourselves as well as in the many people we serve. But we are still a community, and we are all in this together.
We invite you to participate in these additional opportunities to help you during these difficult times. Click here for more information about our Winter 2023 Programs.
Bereavement Resources
Loss of any kind is never easy, but it may help knowing where you can turn during this difficult time.
Our Bereavement Care team will continue to support you with telehealth grief counseling, advice, and other resources, free of charge and open to the community. Please know that we are here for you and that we understand the need to grieve and feel less alone. From our hearts to yours, we send strength and peace.
To view online resources for grief and loss please click here.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with a bereavement counselor, email bereavement@vna.health or call our general bereavement number 805.308.9602.
Una consejera bilingüe está disponible para proveer consejeria del duelo sin costo en español. Llame a Mara Petrick, LCSW al (805) 690-6296 o envíe un correo electrónico a mara.petrick@vna.health.
Watch the 2021 Angels Among Us and the 2021 Candlelight Virtual Tribute
If you have trouble viewing the video on this page, please click here to watch the video directly on YouTube
If you have trouble viewing the video on this page, please click here to watch the video directly on YouTube
Watch the 2020 Angels Among Us and the 2020 Candlelight Virtual Tribute
If you have trouble viewing the video on this page, please click here to watch the video directly on YouTube
If you have trouble viewing the video on this page, please click here to watch the video directly on YouTube